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Journey towards reconciliation

Our commitment

to building a strong shared future

For more than 40 years, we have actively participated in the evolution of the relationship between Indigenous communities and industry. In that time, 我们从建立的关系和对话中学到了很多东西. We are so grateful to the Indigenous communities and their leaders who have been generous with their time, 对他们的观点持开放态度,当这些观点不同时尊重他们.

We recognize that we must do our part in advancing reconciliation between Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous people to support the growth of resilient Indigenous communities and the development a strong shared future. It is a journey requiring a thoughtful approach, long-term commitment and openness to listen and learn.

In our 2021 Reconciliation Action Plan, we outlined our commitment and need to build better relationships and strengthen partnerships with Indigenous Peoples. 行动计划包括六个可衡量的目标,以帮助推进和解, 无论是在内部还是在我们运营的社区.

A year after publishing our Reconciliation Action Plan, 我们继续倾听和学习,并在我们的目标上取得了进展. The Reconciliation Action Plan Update provides transparency on progress and reflection on what we have learned since the release of the inaugural report.

Reconciliation Action Plan - TC Energy

icon-pdf.pngRead our 2022 Reconciliation Action Plan update

在我们经营的土地上埋藏着历史, 北美土著群体的文化和传统.

我们感谢这片土地最初的主人——过去几代人, 现在和未来,为了与我们分享这些家园.

Creating enduring relationships and securing economic opportunities for Indigenous communities are part of the reconciliation that must occur between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of North America.”

François Poirier
President and CEO

Creating enduring relationships and securing economic opportunities for Indigenous communities are part of the reconciliation that must occur between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of North America.”

François Poirier
President and CEO

Creating enduring relationships and securing economic opportunities for Indigenous communities are part of the reconciliation that must occur between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of North America.”

François Poirier
President and CEO

Our vision

for reconciliation

TC Energy’s vision is to be an industry leader in advancing reconciliation between Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous people.

通过确保与我们的合作伙伴进行早期和诚实的沟通, 倾听并理解土著人民和企业的优先事项, 我们将共同寻求一致并寻求机会,帮助我们不断建立更强大的力量, mutually beneficial relationships and partnerships.

Find out more


Progress in 2021-2022

Our plan in action

我们的和解行动计划包括六项承诺. Our progress on each goal is outlined below; for full details, including stories and learnings about each goal, read the full report.


Listening to feedback

我们致力于以开放的心态听取反馈意见. 我们从土著群体那里收到的反馈和兴趣, partners, 雇员和土著咨询委员会正在告知我们如何衡量进展, 确定其他需要改进的地方并制定新的目标.

有关我们目前土著参与计划的更多信息,请浏览我们的网站 approach to Indigenous relations, project participation, people and contracting and community legacy.

Email us at Indigenous_Relations@TCEnergy.com, call us at 1-855-895-8754 or visit our Contact us page for more information.

Read our Reconciliation Action Plan

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and long-term commitment.